January 31, 2010

Hangover Helper

Fortunately (unfortunately?) I'm no longer the victim of Sunday hangovers. My new work schedule has me working Saturday nights, which is unquestionably beneficial to my health and productivity levels come Sunday morning. However, there's a unique comfort in rallying the troops and heading to a late breakfast for a re-cap of 'just what the hell happened last night?'- I would say this post is a bit late, but then again, it's Sunday at 2:30pm and a strangely perfect time to post. If you are hungover, you can nurse yourself on the couch with Jersey Shore and sweatpants or head to The Bourgeois Pig for $4 mimosas and $4.75 double bloody mary's. Fight fire with fire? Do it. You can take your computer and dabble through some homework... half productivity? Last semester one of my professors raved about The Bourgeois Pig and ritually visited the coffee shop every morning to write. Coffee and booze and the combination of both in one cup, was more likely the point of interest, but hey he's a writer so it seems fitting. Maybe I'll head there more often! So my plug for this cafe is that despite its seemingly pretentious nature, it's a pretty great place to spend a Sunday. Check it out.

P.S. Here's the calorie breakdown for the drink specials- not too shabby... even better.

Bloody Mary (5 oz): 118
Mimosa (4 oz): 75

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